Rosacea and Diet: List of Good and Bad Foods

Rosacea and Diet-List of Good and Bad Foods

As someone who gets all flustered or blushes to the extent that it is painful, you need to get down to this topic with us. You might or might not be familiar with the term rosacea. This disease, unfortunately, is quite common, especially in females. People typically tend to get this after their thirties, and there are different reasons and links, i.e., Rosacea and diet. 

However, there is no rule of thumb since millions of people have been affected by it in the last few years. Many of us might already be suffering or be at risk of this skin condition which most of the time affects the face only. 

Nevertheless, other parts of the body, especially the exposed ones, are vulnerable as well. So without further ado, 

let’s get some expert insight on this issue!

cause of rosacea


While the main and major cause of Rosacea is still unknown, we have compiled a number of alleged reasons why you have gotten this condition. There can be several factors involved, and you could get it due to a single cause too. The patient might be allergic to something, or the Rosacea and diet linkage might be the sole problem. One of the ostensible causes is mites. Even if some mites are not harmful, they are still a potential risk factor.

Then comes genetics which is an undeniable reason. Bacteria may deteriorate your skin and cause Rosacea. Damaged blood vessels could be another reason why you had to face it. Continuous exposure to nasty sunlight without an effective sunscreen or sunblock could harm your skin.

Rosacea Symptoms:

People suffering from it have reported common symptoms, and those symptoms are all pretty uncomfortable to have, if not utterly excruciating. 

The list continues to expand if we include the unusual ones, so let’s start with the big ones:

  • Papules and pustules
  • Flustered cheeks
  • Visible blood vessels
  • Stinging and burning sensation
  • Itching
  • Dry and cracked skin
  • Enlarged pores
  • Facial swelling
  • Inflammed eyelids

For detailed facts about Rosacea Symptoms Click Here!

List of Good and Bad Foods for Rosacea| Rosacea And Diet:

Good and Bad Foods for Rosacea

The cutaneous disorder has a certain relationship with food which makes us discuss Rosacea and diet side by side. 

If you are someone already on bad terms with this condition, you need to know the foods that trigger Rosacea since you never know when you will come across an ingredient that may be the possible suspect. 

But if you are here to gain some basic knowledge and just to be on the safe side, you need to know the foods that cause Rosacea

In both these cases, you need to avoid the following:

  • Spicy and hot flavors: Spices aggravate the burning sensation, and constantly eating a spicy diet can cause inflammation that leads to other skin conditions too.
  • Alcohol and carbonated beverages: Alcohol is a daily routine, necessity, and even recreation for many people around the globe, but overconsumption may make it one of the foods that trigger Rosacea. The release of histamine is the actual issue here.
  • Chocolate: Controlled intake of caffeine may be a bit helpful, but eating chocolates too frequently is asking for the disorder.
  • Cheese and processed food: Processed foods have been known to be aggravating Rosacea. Thus patients should cut down on foods like cheese, red wine, vinegar, etc.
  • Hot drinks: Drinks like hot cider and coffee are not much of a help as they only worsen the symptoms and flush the skin more. The damaged vessels suffer due to such foods since they dilate the vessels.

However, since it is a list of good and bad foods for Rosacea, let’s have a look at what doctors recommend eating to avoid or soothe the ailment.

  • Nuts: Good fats, which nuts are very rightfully known for, help improve the symptoms when eaten properly and moderately.
  • Whole grains: Since processed foods are not a better option, the patients or the health-conscious ones must switch to unprocessed whole grains. Not only do they maintain skin conditions, but they also keep gut health in check.
  • Meat: As you may have guessed, it’s pretty much about the omega-3 fatty acids which make the skin supple and healthy, thus reducing flares.
  • Berries: Foods known for being excellent sources of antioxidants can never be denied since they make a positive link between Rosacea and diet.
  • Water: We left the most important thing for the end to emphasize the need to hydrate your body. Water flushes the toxins out and helps quite a bit with Rosacea and many disorders. You might not even know, and merely staying hydrated may take care of half of your worries.

To Know the 6 Good Food For Skin, Click Here!

Final Words On Rosacea & Diet:

While there may be an unbreakable bond between Rosacea and diet, let’s not omit the fact that diet is not the only thing to take care of if you are dealing with any disorder, especially the dermal ones. 

Your body needs to be treated well, so an active lifestyle and a minimalistic, simple, and gentle skincare routine are must-haves. 

Use broad-spectrum sunscreens and quality products while also moisturizing your skin. Regulating stress and emotions is a big step toward healing skin issues. And then, of course, “you are what you eat,” so you need to eat a gentle, anti-inflammatory, and nutritious diet

Be mindful of the foods that cause Rosacea, and keep your diet as simple as possible. That is why we have mentioned a list of good and bad foods for rosacea.

You can never go wrong with lots of fibers and proper hydration. Visit your doctor regularly as well.

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