Pink Eye: Is Pink Eye Contagious?|How To Treat It?

Pink Eye

Here we are again with an important topic to address! For the past few days, Pink Eye has been a major health issue that keeps popping up. That is why we have all the detailed information you need to fight this health issue. In this Blog, We will cover “What is Pink Eye?”. “Is Pink Eye Contagious”, “Its treatment”, and “Precautions.”  It is a worthwhile discussion for sure, so gear up for it.

Let’s get into the details!

Being human never comes cheap, especially when you consider your health as your greatest wealth. If you or your child has returned home with a nasty eye infection that seems to be pretty irritated, you need to know a little more about it. And that is precisely what we are about to guide you about here.

Pink Eye Contagious

Is Pink Eye Contagious?
Is Pink Eye Contagious?

Not only is pink eye contagious, but it can be annoying too. In medical terms, we name this infection conjunctivitis. But what exactly is it, and how does it frighten millions of people in a matter of minutes?

In the simplest possible words, this infection is merely an inflammation in the eye. And to be more precise, it irks the upper thin film above the eyeball that is the conjunctiva. In most cases, it is just a minor ailment that does not last long and leaves no severe aftereffects. Howsoever, one still needs to get their hands on the basics of such typical concerns.


Pink Eye Causes

But there is not one single factor that may lead to this horrible issue. There are plenty of factors to be blamed; thus, quite a lot of things may be the sole cause behind pink eye. Following are a few of them:

  • Virus
  • Bacteria
  • Ameba and parasites
  • Chemicals
  • Pollutants
  • Makeup products that may contain any such ingredient


That is why we have all the detailed information you need to fight this health issue. That is because the treatment, if not entirely, for the most part, depends on the diagnosis. Let’s have a look at the major ones:

  • Bacterial Conjunctivitis — as obvious as it is, bacteria causes it, and it accompanies an ear infection.
  • Viral Conjunctivitis — viruses are the major troublemakers here, and they may spread to the other eye as well.
  • Allergic Conjunctivitis — airborne allergens are often responsible, and it may occur once or can be seasonal or perennial. 
  • Infectious Conjunctivitis — an already infected person or their belongings may play their roles here.
  • Chemical Conjunctivitis — makeup products or contact lenses can play the leading roles here.
  • Toxic keratoconjunctivitis — a medication that may disturb the upper transparent layer of the eyeball, and it can be long-lasting sometimes.
  • Nonspecific Conjunctivitis — dry eyes or a foreign particle are among the various offenders in this case.

There are a lot more types if you study in-depth, but the point is you should never be treating yourself based on a diagnosis that you have assumed.


Pink Eye Contagious and Symptoms

Even though there is a plethora of causes, the symptoms are still pretty much the same. So determining the exact cause of pink eye may be difficult. But the signs are clear enough to at least know what infection it is.

Following are some of the symptoms:

  • The irritated white portion of the eye
  • Teary eye
  • A significant reddish appearance of the eyeball
  • Conjunctival swelling
  • Itching
  • Constant discomfort
  • Mucus production
  • Crusty matter on lashes after a nap
  • Urge to get the irritant out of the eye

But as we have mentioned above, the symptoms may vary depending on the cause. So some people may experience the following or some of the following symptoms as well:

  • Rather viscous pus production
  • Some issues resembling a respiratory tract infection
  • Ear infection
  • Difficulty opening eyes
  • Sticky eyelids
  • Scratchy throat
  • Runny nose 


Pink Eye Treatment

The treatment, too, as you can already comprehend, may differ from person to person as the culprit may be different too. Since diagnosing the type is a problem, the doctors, most of the time, suspect it is a bacterial infection. If bacteria has caused it, in most cases, it will surely go away on its own without having much to worry or do about it.

The doctor may prescribe a lighter dose of an antibiotic to reduce the inflammation and ease the pain and discomfort. But this treatment is not the go-to option that doctors would or should use, guessing that “just in case it is a bacterial case”.

If it is a viral one, it may take a little longer than other types. You may have to get an antiviral medication prescribed by the doctor. According to previous analyses, it is often mild, yet demands care. And if the root cause is an allergen, the simplest way is to get rid of the allergen or get the patient away from them if it is not removable. You may get some over-the-counter eyedrops as well.


That was what to do if you do get caught up in the infection and have to wait until the pink eye contagious period is over. But is there a way to avoid it?

Avoid Pink Eye Contagious Period

Well, you never know when and where you might be vulnerable to disease, and a highly contagious one at that. But still, you can take some precautionary measures. It might sound cliche, but you do need to wash your hands quite often. And with the pandemic that the world has gone through, it is much more of an obligation.

Next up, do NOT share your stuff with others, especially makeup. The same goes for contact lenses. Plus, stop wearing them the moment your eyes seem fishy. And if you are around someone who has already gotten infected, keep your distance and avoid physical contact as they might have touched their eyes.

Although it is not that serious, you should not take it for granted as you might have a weaker immune system or any condition that may worsen the problem.

Final words:

Now you must have an answer to what it is and Is pink eye contagious? Therefore, the next time you face the symptoms mentioned above, do not try to treat them using self-medication. Do not be careless enough to put just any medicine that says “for eyes” right into those precious eyes of yours.

Make sure that you visit a certified ophthalmologist so they may diagnose the type of eye infection that you have got and treat you accordingly. But just in case you cannot visit the doctor promptly, you can do a few things to ease the symptoms.

A cold compress or a warm compress is the best home remedy that poses no threat in the long run. A cold compress or artificial tear drops will relieve the agitated eye.

A warm compress, on the other hand, will soften the dried mucus or the crust that causes uncomfortable eye closure.

Let us know any other skincare issues on your list because Easy Peasy Skincare is here to cover them for You!

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